Extension development

Open-Admin supports the installation of extension tools to help enrich your background functionality, currently under https://github.com/open-admin-org/ There have been more than a dozen extensions.

If you add some of your own features or components to the Open-Admin process, you can make a Open-Admin extension, which will help other Open-Admin users. And improve the quality of the extension in the feedback of others.

This document will take the development of a phpinfo extension as an example, develop an extension step by step, and publish it to others for use.

Create composer package

The Open-Admin package will be installed with composer, so first create a composer package. You can use the built-in admin:extend command. Generate an extended skeleton

When running the command, you may be prompted to enter a directory to store your extension file. You can add a configuration 'extension_dir' => admin_path('extensions'), in config/admin.php, The extension files will be stored in the app/Admin/extensions directory, but you can also put them in any other directory.

php artisan admin:extend open-admin-ext/phpinfo --namespace=OpenAdmin\\PHPInfo

Where open-admin-ext/phpinfo is the package name, and the namespace option is the top-level namespace used by this package. After running this command, the directory will be generated in the extension directory open-admin-ext/phpinfo set in config/admin.php. and the following file structure

├── README.md
├── composer.json
├── database
│   ├── migrations
│   └── seeds
├── resources
│   ├── assets
│   └── views
│       └── index.blade.php
├── routes
│   └── web.php
└── src
    ├── PHPInfo.php
    ├── PHPInfoServiceProvider.php
    └── Http
        └── Controllers
            └── PHPInfoController.php

resources is used to place view files and static assets, src is mainly used to place logic code, routes/web.php is used to store the extension's routing settings, and database is used to place database migration files and seeders.


To start using your extention you need make sure it's installend via composer. While developing your plugin you can install it locally as follows:

Open the composer.json file in your project and add the following configuration

"repositories": [
        "type": "path",
        "url": "app/Admin/extensions/open-admin-ext/phpinfo"

Then run composer require open-admin-ext/phpinfo to complete the installation. If there are static files to be published, run the following command.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider=OpenAdmin\PHPInfo\PHPInfoServiceProvider

In case the composer require command didn't works as expected you also add this line the require section:

    "require": {
        "open-admin-ext/phpinfo": "dev-master"

and run composer update, note; this will also update other dependencies if available.

Now our plugin should be installed. Let's take a look dashboard and see if your plugin is in the decpencencies list. We can also try to navigate to admin/phpinfo to see if our route is picked up. If you see 'Welcome to open-admin' everything seems to going correcly.

Write code

This extended function is mainly used to integrate the page displayed by the phpinfo function in PHP into Open-Admin. It will have a route and a view file. There is no database file and static resource file. We can Clean up any files or directories that are not in the directory. The directory files after the cleanup are:

├── README.md
├── composer.json
├── resources
│   └── views
│       └── index.blade.php
├── routes
│   └── web.php
└── src
    ├── PHPInfo.php
    ├── PHPInfoServiceProvider.php
    └── Http
        └── Controllers
            └── PHPInfoController.php


First lets take a look the routes, a routing configuration has been automatically generated in routes/web.php That should look like;

use OpenAdmin\PHPInfo\Http\Controllers\PHPInfoController;

Route::get('phpinfo', PHPInfoController::class.'@index');

Accessing the path phpinfo will handle this request by the index method of the OpenAdmin\PHPInfo\Http\Controllers\PHPInfoController controller.

Setting extension attributes

src/PHPInfo.php as an extension class for setting extended properties


namespace OpenAdmin\PHPInfo;

use OpenAdmin\Admin\Extension;

class PHPInfo extends Extension
    public $name = 'phpinfo';

    public $views = __DIR__.'/../resources/views';

    public $assets = __DIR__.'/../resources/assets';

    public $menu = [
        'title' => 'Phpinfo',
        'path'  => 'phpinfo',
        'icon'  => 'icon-cogs',

This file is used to set some properties of this extension. $name is the name of this extension. If this extension has a view file that needs to be rendered, you must specify the $views attribute of the extension. Also, if there is a static resource file to be published. , you must set the $assets property. If you need to add a menu button to the left sidebar, set the $menu property.

You can remove unnecessary attributes as needed. After modifying the src/PHPInfo.php file, the code is:


namespace OpenAdmin\PHPInfo;

use OpenAdmin\Admin\Extension;

class PHPInfo extends Extension
    public $name = 'phpinfo';

    public $views = __DIR__ . '/../resources/views';

    public $menu = [
        'title' => 'PHP info',
        'path'  => 'phpinfo',
        'icon'  => 'icon-exclamation',

To import the menu item you should run:

php artisan admin:import phpinfo

Then open src/PHPInfoServiceProvider.php, this ServiceProvider will run when laravel is started, which is used to register some data of this extension into the application.

Loading the view

If this extension needs to load the view file, add the following code to the handle method of src/PHPInfoServiceProvider.php:

if ($views = $extension->views()) {
    $this->loadViewsFrom($views, 'phpinfo');

The first parameter of the loadViewsFrom() method is the view property set in the extension class src/PHPInfo.php, and the second parameter is the namespace of the view file directory. After setting it to phpinfo, in the controller. Use view('phpinfo::index') to load the view file in the resources/views directory.

Introducing static resources

If you have static resource files in your project that need to be imported, first put the files in the resources/assets directory, such as resources/assets/foo.js and resources/assets/bar.css. file

Then set the $assets property in the extension class src/PHPInfo.php

    public $assets = __DIR__.'/../resources/assets';

Then set the release directory in the handle method of src/PHPInfoServiceProvider.php

if ($this->app->runningInConsole() && $assets = $extension->assets()) {
        [$assets => public_path('vendor/open-admin-ext/phpinfo')],

After the installation is complete, run:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider=OpenAdmin\PHPInfo\PHPInfoServiceProvider

and the asset files will be copied to the public/vendor/open-admin-ext/phpinfo directory.

We need to add these two files into the page when Open-Admin is started. You need to add the following code in the handle method of src/PHPInfoServiceProvider.php.

use use OpenAdmin\Admin\Admin;


Admin::booting(function () {

This completes the import of static resources. In the extension of phpinfo, since no static resources need to be introduced, this step can be ignored.

Code Logic Development

The logic of this extension is to extract the PHP configuration data displayed by the phpinfo function and then render the new view rendering output.

The next step is to get the phpinfo configuration data in the controller by calling the PHPInfo::toCollection method, and then render it into the view.


namespace OpenAdmin\PHPInfo\Http\Controllers;

use OpenAdmin\Admin\Layout\Content;
use Illuminate\Routing\Controller;
use OpenAdmin\PHPInfo\PHPInfo;

class PHPInfoController extends Controller
    public function index(Content $content,PHPInfo $info)
        $info = $info::toCollection();

        return $content
            ->body(view('phpinfo::index', ["info"=>$info]));

Such a complete extension is developed, and the final complete code can be found in phpinfo

Modify composer.json & README.md

After the code is partially completed, you need to modify the contents of composer.json, replace the contents of description, keywords, license, authors with your information, and then don't forget to update README.md, supplementary use of documents and other related information.

Remote installation

If the development is complete and you want to open it up for everyone, follow the steps below.

Upload to github

Login to your Github first, create a repository, and follow the prompts on the page to push your code up.

git init
git remote add origin https://github.com/<your-name>/<your-repository>.git
git add .
git commit -am "Initial commit."
git push origin master

Release release

You can publish the version locally in the following way

git tag 0.0.1 && git push --tags

It can also be manually set on the Releases page of Github's repository.

Submit to Packagist.org

The next step is to submit your project to Packagist.org. If you don't have an account, register one first, then open the Submit in the top navigation and fill in the repo's github url to submit.

By default, Packagist.org does not automatically update when you push new code, so you need to create a GitHub Service Hook. You can also manually update it using the "Update" button on the page, but I recommend automating this process. After the submission is complete, you can install your extension via composer.

Join https://github.com/open-admin-org

If you want to add the extension you developed to Open-Admin-Org, please contact us via various ways so that more people can see and use the tools you built.