Model grid row actions

A grid row has actions and batchActions these can be extended and shown as either '

Action views

There are three different views (displayers) for the actions. These are:

  • Actions
  • DropdownActions
  • ContextMenuActions

They can by either set in the config/admin.php by:

| The global Grid action display class. (Actions::class, DropdownActions::class or ContextMenuActions::class)
'grid_action_class' => \OpenAdmin\Admin\Grid\Displayers\Actions\Actions::class, // this is the default class
'grid_action_class' => \OpenAdmin\Admin\Grid\Displayers\Actions\DropdownActions::class,
'grid_action_class' => \OpenAdmin\Admin\Grid\Displayers\Actions\ContextMenuActions::class,

Or by you set this in a controller by using:

use OpenAdmin\Admin\Grid\Displayers\Actions\DropdownActions;




You can show them with or without labels

$grid->actions(function ($actions) {


ContextMenu Actions

ContextMenu Actions: the action column does not appear in the last column of the table. Right-click on the list to display the action drop-down menu.

Default actions

model-grid By default, there are three actions show,edit and delete. The actions of a row can be extened using custom actions which can be turned off in the following way:

$grid->actions(function ($actions) {

You can get the data for the current row by $actions parameter passed in:

$protect_ids = [1, 2];
$grid->actions(function ($actions) use ($protect_ids) {
  // the array of data for the current row

  // gets the current row primary key value

  // disabled delete
  if (in_array($actions->getkey(), $protect_ids)) {

Custom Actions

Suppose you want to add a copy action to the article list. After clicking and copying the data of this line, run the following command to generate the action class: Also known as: duplicate / dublicate

php artisan admin:action Replicate --grid-row --name="copy"

The above command will generate the class file app/Admin/Actions/Replicate.php:


namespace App\Admin\Actions;

use OpenAdmin\Admin\Actions\RowAction;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Replicate extends RowAction
    public $name = 'copy';

    public $icon = 'icon-copy';

    public function handle(Model $model)
        // $model ...
        return $this->response()->success('Success message.')->refresh();

The commit of the action will handle by the handle method in the class, so we only need to simply modify the logic of the handle method:

public function handle(Model $model)
    // Here the model's `replicate` method is called to copy the data, then call the `save` method to save it.

    // return a success message with the content "copy success" and refresh the page
    return $this->response()->success('copy success.')->refresh();

The first parameter $model of the handle method is the Eloquent model of the current row data, which can be manipulated directly.

The final step is to add to the grid:

use App\Admin\Actions\Post\Replicate;

$grid->actions(function ($actions) {
  $actions->add(new Replicate());

This is added to the buttons or action drop-down menu:

model-grid-actions-buttons-replicate model-grid-actions-dropdown-replicate

For example, the above copy action, after clicking, you need to pop up a dialog box to confirm the action, add a dialog method to the class:

    public function dialog()
        $this->question('Are you sure to copy this row?', 'This will copy all the data into a new entity', ['icon'=>'question','confirmButtonText'=>'Yes']);

In this way, after clicking Copy, the following confirmation box will pop up, and the action will be submitted after confirmation.


Page redirection

If your row action just click to jump to another page:


namespace App\Admin\Actions;

use OpenAdmin\Admin\Actions\RowAction;

class ViewComments extends RowAction
    public $name = 'View comments';

    public $icon = 'icon-comments';

     * @return  string
    public function href()
        return "/your/uri/path";

Save as App/Admin/Actions/ViewComments.php and add to the grid:

use App\Admin\Actions\ViewComments;

$grid->actions(function ($actions) {
    $actions->add(new ViewComments());

In the href method, you can use $this->getResource() to get the current resource root path. You can use $this->getKey() to get the primary key value of the current row.

Suppose that the 'list' has a report action. After clicking, you need to pop up a form, fill in the type and reason of the report, and refer to the following method:

You can add the form() method to your actions class:

public function form()
    $types = [
        1 => 'Advertising',
        2 => 'Illegal',
        3 => 'Fishing',
    $this->date('date', 'date');
    $this->checkbox('type', 'type')->options($types);
    $this->textarea('body', 'body')->rules('required');

When the action is clicked, a form form pops up:


In the handle method, we need to add a second parameter to get the form value:

use Illuminate\Http\Request;

public function handle(Model $model, Request $request)
    $model->date = $request->get('date');
    $model->type = $request->get('type');
    $model->body = $request->get('body');

    return $this->response()->success('Success message.')->refresh();

The current method support for the form reference:

public function form()
    // disable filling the form with values from the related model
    $this->addValues(false); // must be placed on top, default = true

    // text input box
    $this->text('name', 'label')->rules('required|min:10');

    // Email input box
    $this->email('name', 'label');

    // IP input box
    $this->ip('name', 'label');

    // URL input box
    $this->url('name', 'label');

    // password input box
    $this->password('name', 'label');

    // mobile phone number input box
    $this->mobile('name', 'label');

    // text field input box
    $this->textarea('name', 'label');

    // Single box
    $this->select('name', 'label')->options([]);

    // Checkbox
    $this->multipleSelect('name', 'label')->options([]);

    // Checkbox
    $this->checkbox('name', 'label')->options([]);

    // Radio
    $this->radio('name', 'label')->options([]);

    // upload files
    $this->file('name', 'label');

    // upload image
    $this->image('name', 'label');

    // time and date selection
    $this->datetime('name', 'label');

    // date selection
    $this->date('name', 'label');

    // time selection
    $this->time('name', 'label');

    // hide

Batch action

Suppose you want to add a batch copy action, first run the following command to generate a batch action class:

php artisan admin:action BatchReplicate --grid-batch --name="Batch copy"

Generate the class file app/Admin/Actions/BatchReplicate.php:


namespace App\Admin\Actions;

use OpenAdmin\Admin\Actions\BatchAction;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection;

class BatchReplicate extends BatchAction
    public $name = 'Batch copy';
    public $icon = 'icon-copy';

    public function handle(Collection $collection)
        foreach ($collection as $model) {
            // ...

        return $this->response()->success('Success message...')->refresh();

Similarly, we only need to simply modify the logic of the handle method:

public function handle(Collection $collection)
    // copy the data model for each row
    foreach ($collection as $model) {

    / / return a success message of "copy success" and refresh the page
    return $this->response()->success('copy success.')->refresh();

Add to the batch action:

use App\Admin\Actions\BatchReplicate;

$grid->batchActions(function ($batch) {
    $batch->add(new BatchReplicate());

Then select a few rows of data in the list, click on it to see the new batch copy:


Grid Tools

Custom actions, in addition to being displayed in the action column of the data table and in the drop-down menu of the batch action, can also be displayed in the tool area of ​​the table (Filter button line)

Batch action

If you want to put the button for the batch action in the tool area instead of the drop-down menu for the batch action, you need to make some changes to the action class.

Note: row values are not passed into the form like with forms on row-actions.


namespace App\Admin\Actions\Page;

use OpenAdmin\Admin\Actions\BatchAction;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;

class ReportPage extends BatchAction
    protected $selector = '.report-pages';

    public function handle(Collection $collection, Request $request)
        foreach ($collection as $model) {
            $model->reason = $request->input("reason");

        return $this->response()->success('Report submitted!')->refresh();

    public function form()
        $this->textarea('reason', 'reason')->rules('required');

    public function html()
        // '.show-on-rows-selected' toggles '.d-none' when rows are seleted
        return "<a class='report-pages btn btn-sm btn-danger show-on-rows-selected d-none me-1'><i class='icon-info-circle'></i>Report</a>";

The value of $selector corresponds to the button CSS selector in the html method. Click the 'Report' button to submit the action.

Then add it to the toolbar of the form:

use App\Admin\Actions\Page\ReportPage;

$grid->tools(function (Grid\Tools $tools) {
    $tools->append(new \App\Admin\Actions\Page\ReportPage());

The display effect is as follows; a report button with a form:


Normal action

Suppose you need to add an 'Import Data` button to the header of the form. After clicking, pop up the form upload file to import the data. Refer to the steps below.

Create a normal action class by running the following command:

php artisan admin:action Page\\ImportPage --name="import page"

The generated class file app/Admin/Actions/Page/ImportPage.php:


namespace App\Admin\Actions\Page;

use OpenAdmin\Admin\Actions\Action;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;

class ImportPage extends Action
    protected $selector = '.import-page';

    public function handle(Request $request)
        // $request ...

        return $this->response()->success('Success message...')->refresh();

    public function html()
        return <<<HTML
        <a class="btn btn-sm btn-default import-post">Import page</a>

Modify this class to provide the ability to upload files and add logic to process the data:


namespace App\Admin\Actions\Page;

use OpenAdmin\Admin\Actions\Action;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;

class ImportPage extends Action
    public $name = 'import page';

    protected $selector = '.import-page';

    public function handle(Request $request)
        // The following code gets the uploaded file, then uses the package `maatwebsite/excel` to process and upload your file and save it to the database.
        $path = $request->file('file');

        return $this->response()->success('Import complete!'.$path)->refresh();

    public function form()
        $this->file('file', 'Please select file');

    public function html()
        return <<<HTML
        <a class="btn btn-sm btn-light import-page"><i class="icon-upload"></i>Import Page</a>




Here's an example of the simplest return:

return $this->response()->success('Success!');

After the action class is processed, return a `Success! The success of ``s tips, here are a few other types of returns:

// Handling errors
Try {
    // Processing logic...

    return $this->response()->success('success...');
} catch (Exception $e) {
    return $this->response()->error('generating error: '.$e->getMessage());

// return prompt message
return $this->response()->info('prompt information...');

// return warning message
return $this->response()->warning('warning information...');

Refresh the page after returning:

return $this->response()

Redirect to other pages after returning:

return $this->response()

Download the file after returning:

return $this->response()

The toastr message is displayed at the top center by default. You can modify its display position in the following ways:

// display on top right
return $this->response()->topRight()->success('Success!')->refresh();

// display in the middle of the bottom
return $this->response()-?bottomCenter()->error('Error!')->refresh();

The display position control methods are topCenter,topLeft, topRight,bottomLeft, bottomCenter,bottomRight, topFullWidth,bottomFullWidth.

The toastr message disappears after 5 seconds by default. You can control the disappearance time by the timeout method:

 // disappears after 3 seconds
 return $this->response()->success('Success!')->timeout(3000)->refresh();

 // never hide use -1
 return $this->response()->success('Success!')->timeout(-1)->refresh();

Permission control

If you need to do the permission control after the action is submitted and before being processed, add an authorize method to the operation class by referring to the following method:

public function authorize($user, $model)
    return false;

The first parameter is the current operation user model, the second parameter is the data model or model collection of the current column, and the authorize method controls whether or not to interrupt the execution of the operation by returning true or false.