Custom tools
Custom header tools
has batch delete
and refresh
operations tools as default, model-grid
provides custom tool functionality if there are more operational requirements, the following example will show you how to add a Gender selector
button group tool.
First define the tool class app/Admin/Extensions/Tools/UserGender.php
namespace App\Admin\Extensions\Tools;
use OpenAdmin\Admin\Admin;
use OpenAdmin\Admin\Grid\Tools\AbstractTool;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Request;
class UserGender extends AbstractTool
protected function script()
$url = Request::fullUrlWithQuery(['gender' => '_gender_']);
return <<<EOT
document.querySelectorAll('.user-gender').forEach(el => {
el.addEventListener('click',function () {
var url = "$url".replace('_gender_', this.dataset.option);
admin.ajax.navigate( url);
public function render()
$options = [
'all' => 'All',
'm' => 'Male',
'f' => 'Female',
return view('', compact('options'));
The blade file of view
is resources/views/admin/tools/gender.blade.php
<div class="btn-group" data-toggle="buttons">
@foreach($options as $option => $label)
<label class="btn btn-sm user-gender {{ \Request::get('gender', 'all') == $option ? 'btn-secondary' : 'btn-light' }}" data-option="{{$option}}">
Import this tool in model-grid
and apply to model query:
use App\Admin\Extensions\Tools\UserGender;
$grid->tools(function ($tools) {
$tools->append(new UserGender());
// and pass `gender` query to model:
if (in_array(Request::get('gender'), ['m', 'f'])) {
$grid->model()->where('gender', Request::get('gender'));
Disable Batch Operations
At present, the default implementation of the batch delete operation, if you want to turn off the batch delete operation:
$grid->tools(function ($tools) {
$tools->batch(function ($batch) {
// or by using batchActons
$grid->batchActions(function ($batch) {
Custom Batch operation
If you want to add a custom batch operation, you can refer to the following example.
The following example will show you how to implements a post batch release
First define the tool class app/Admin/Extensions/Tools/ReleasePost.php
namespace App\Admin\Extensions\Tools;
use OpenAdmin\Admin\Grid\Tools\BatchAction;
class ReleasePost extends BatchAction
protected $action;
public function __construct($action = 1)
$this->action = $action;
public function script()
return <<<EOT
document.querySelector('{$this->getElementClass()}').addEventListener('click', function(e) {
let url = '{$this->resource}/release';
let data = {
ids: admin.grid.selected,
action: {$this->action}
if(data.status == 200){
if ( == 1){
admin.toastr.success('Un Released');
See the code above, use ajax to pass the selected ids
to back-end api through a POST request, the back-end api modifies the state of the corresponding data according to the received ids
, and then front-end refresh the page (pjax reload), and pop-up a toastr
prompt operation is successful.
Import this operation in model-grid
$grid->batchActions(function ($batch) {
$batch->add('Release page', new \App\Admin\Extensions\Tools\ReleasePage(1));
$batch->add('Unrelease page', new \App\Admin\Extensions\Tools\ReleasePage(0));
// or
use App\Admin\Extensions\Tools\ReleasePage;
$grid->batchActions(function ($batch) {
$batch->add('Release page', new ReleasePage(1));
$batch->add('Unrelease page', new ReleasePage(0));
So that the batch operation of the drop-down button will add the following two operations, the final step is to add an api to handle the request of the batch operation, the api code is as follows:
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Request;
class PageController extends Controller
public function release(Request $request)
foreach (Page::find($request::post('ids')) as $page) {
$page->status = $request::post('action');
return $request::post('action');
Then add a route for the api above:
use App\Admin\Controllers\PageController as RoutePageController;
$router->post('pages/release', [RoutePageController::class,'release']);
This completes the entire process.