Model-show Fields

Insert a divider

If you want to add a divider between the fields:


Modify the display

Modify the display content as follows

$show->field("column","label")->as(function ($title) {
    return "<{$title}>";

$show->field("column","label")->as(function ($content) {
    return "{$content}";

Here are a few common display style methods implemented by the as method:


The content of the field avatar is the path or url of the image, which can be displayed as an image:

$show->field("column","label")->image($base_url = '', $width = 200, $height = 200));


The content of the field document is the path or url of the file, which can be displayed as an file:

$show->field("column","label")->file($server = '', $download = true);

The parameters of the file() method are referenced to Field::file()

The content of the field homepage is a url link that can be displayed as an HTML link:

$show->field("column","label")->link($href = '', $target = '_blank');


Show the contents of the field tag as label:

$show->field("column","label")->label($style = 'success');


Show the contents of the field rate as badge:

$show->field("column","label")->badge($style = 'primary');


If the value of the field gender is f, m, it needs to be displayed with Female and Male respectively.

$show->field("column","label")->using(['f' => 'Female', 'm' => 'Male']);


Show json in formated style
