Fields management

Remove field

The built-in map and editor fields requires the front-end files via cdn, and if there are problems with the network, they can be removed in the following ways

Locate the file app/Admin/bootstrap.php. If the file does not exist, update Open-Admin and create this file.


use OpenAdmin\Admin\Form;


// or

Form::forget(['map', 'editor']);

This removes the two fields, which can be used to remove the other fields.

Extend the custom field

As an example for a custom plugin we'll create a PHP Code editor base on codemirror with the following steps.

Download and unzip the codemirror library to the front-end resource directory, for example, in the directory public/packages/codemirror/.

Create a new field class app/Admin/Extensions/Form/PHPEditor.php:


namespace App\Admin\Extensions\Form;

use OpenAdmin\Admin\Form\Field;

class PHPEditor extends Field
    protected $view = 'admin.fields.php-editor';

    protected static $css = [

    protected static $js = [

    public function render()
        $this->script = <<<EOT

CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.getElementById("{$this->id}"), {
    lineNumbers: true,
    mode: "text/x-php",
    extraKeys: {
        "Tab": function(cm){
            cm.replaceSelection("    " , "end");

        return parent::render();


Static resources in the class can also be imported from outside, for example. These resources (css & js) will be automaticly collected and added to the code.

protected static $js = [

Create a view file resources/views/admin/fields/php-editor.blade.php:

    <textarea class="form-control {{$class}}" id="{{$id}}" name="{{$name}}" placeholder="{{ $placeholder }}" {!! $attributes !!} >{{ old($column, $value) }}</textarea>

Finally, find the file app/Admin/bootstrap.php, if the file does not exist, update Open-Admin, and then create this file, add the following code:


use App\Admin\Extensions\Form\PHPEditor;
use OpenAdmin\Admin\Form;

Form::extend('php', PHPEditor::class);

And then you can use PHP editor in model-form:


In this way, you can add any form fields you want to add.


To make your new form field have a chainability you


namespace App\Admin\Extensions\Form;

use OpenAdmin\Admin\Form\Field;

class CustomField extends Field
    protected $options [];

    public function options($arr = []){
        $this->options = array_merge($this->options,$arr);

        // NOTE; this is the part that allows for chainability
        return $this;

    public function render()
        $settings = json_encode($this->options);
        $this->script = "var cf = initYourCustomField({$settings});";

        return parent::render();

In bootstrap.php


use App\Admin\Extensions\Form\CustomField;
use OpenAdmin\Admin\Form;

//please note that fields are writen in lowercase
Form::extend('customfield', CustomField::class);

For example; this will allow you to use the following:
